Sunday, April 18, 2021

Prayer (प्रार्थना)/compassion (करुणा) Meditation (ध्यान)

Prayer for Love

भगवान (परम शक्ति) मैं सबको प्यार कर सकूं। ख़ुद को प्यार कर सकूं (self love)| दुश्मनों को प्यार कर सकूं।

Prayer for Others (Intercession)

भगवान (परम शक्ति) संसार में कोई भी व्यक्ति दुखी न रहे चाहे वो मेरे दुश्मन ही क्यूं न हो। भगवान (परम शक्ति) संसार में कोई भी जानवर पेड़ पौधे दुखी न रहे। भगवान जिन्होंने मुझे धोखा दिया है या मेरा मखौल उड़ाया है उन सब के लिये भी मैं प्रार्थना करता हूं।

Shanti Paath

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः 

सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। 

सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत। 

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥

सभी सुखी होवें,

सभी रोगमुक्त रहें,

सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े।

ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥

Prayer for Guidance

भगवान (परम शक्ति) मुझे Guide करते रहे।

Prayer for Protection

भगवान (परम शक्ति) हमारे परिवार की रक्षा करें।

Prayer for Piece of Mind/Rest

भगवान (परम शक्ति) मेरा मन हर चीज की लगाम ख़ुद रखना चाहता है और इस कारण मैं परेशान होता रहता हूं। भगवान (परम शक्ति) मैं हर चीज आप पर छोड़ता हूं। भगवान (परम शक्ति) मैं अपने सारे burdens आप पर छोड़ता हूं। मुझे piece of mind प्रदान करें। 

Prayer for Forgiveness/Prayer for Repentance (पछतावा): 

भगवान (परम शक्ति) मुझसे जाने अनजाने में जो भी गल्तियां हुई है या जो मैंने false beliefs/Judgmental Mind के कारण गल्तियां हुई मान ली हैं उन सब गल्तियों को ठीक करे और मुझे माफ करे।

Prayer for F

भगवान (परम शक्ति) 

Prayer for Gratitude/Thanks Giving

भगवान (परम शक्ति) जो जो चीजें आपने दी हैं उन सब के लिये शुकराना (Thanks).

Prayer for Relinquishment: 

As long as you try to handle the situation on your own, God will not interfere. It is only when you give up and leave it up to God that He will step in and answer your prayer.

Prayer for Smile/Laughter

भगवान (परम शक्ति) smile और laughter आपके द्वारा दी हुई powers हैं। भगवान (परम शक्ति) मुझे शक्ति दे की मैं दिन भर smile और laughter कर सकूं और सुबह शाम 15 मिनट लगातार smile और laughter कर सकूं।

Prayer for removing hopelessness

भगवान (परम शक्ति) मेरे अंदर hopelessness की भावना (emotion) घर कर गई हैं, भगवान इस भावना को जड़-मूल से खत्म कर दो।

Prayer for people who ignore me

भगवान (परम शक्ति) कुछ लोग मुझे ignore करते हैं और मेरा मजाक भी उड़ाते हैं, भगवान मुझे एसी शक्ति दो कि मैं इस से विचलित न होंऊ।

Prayer for giving me confidence

भगवान (परम शक्ति) मेरा कोंफिडेंस खत्म हो गया है, मेरा कोंफिडेंस मुझे वापिस दिला दो प्रभु।

Prayer for removing my phobia

भगवान (परम शक्ति) मुझे कुछ चीजों से फोबिया हो गया हैं, भगवान उन phobias को जड़ से खत्म करने की कृपा करें।

Prayer for closing open questions

भगवान (परम शक्ति) कुछ open questions मन में चलते रहते हैं. भगवान उन open questions को बंद करने की कृपा करें।

Prayer for changing negative thinking patterns to positive thinking patterns

भगवान (परम शक्ति) मेरा thinking pattern negative हो गया है उसे positive करने की कृपा करें।

Friday, April 16, 2021

Thursday, April 15, 2021

PAPER CLIP: The Socratic Method for Developing Critical Thinking and Destroying False Beliefs

P: Precision Questions: कोई question है तब यह प्रयत्न करो की उस question पर question पूछ कर more specific हुआ जावे। Can you be more specific? 

A: Accuracy Questions: How could be test that? 

P: Perspective (परिप्रेक्ष्य) questions: Is there another point of view we could examine? 

E: Equity questions: What conflicts of interest exist here?

R: Relevance Questions: How does this relate to the problem?

C: Complexity questions: What makes this a difficult question to answer?

L: Logic questions: Does this make all sense together?

I: Importance questions: What is the most important issue on which to focus.

P: Perspicuity (अंधकार से छुटकारा) questions: What do you mean?

CLarification (CL)
ASsumption (AS)
Evidence and Reasoning (Er)
Viewpoint and Perspective (VP)
Implications and Consequences (IC)
Questions about the Question (QQ)


Socratic questioning

A good way to help other people think about a subject is to ask them a question about it. Being asked a good question can really help us put information together, evaluate our existing ideas and create new ideas.

Asking questions that are specifically intended to help others learn is known as Socratic questioning, named after the Greek Philosopher Socrates (c. 469 BC–399 BC).

Socratic questions require you to listen very carefully to the other person to help you judge and phrase your question in a helpful, constructive, and hopefully non-confrontational way.

Here are some examples of such questions:

Questions of clarification

What do you mean when you say ______?

What is your main point?

How does _____ relate to _____?

Could you put that another way?

Let me see if I understand you; do you mean _____ or _____?

How does this relate to our problem/discussion/issue?

Jane, can you summarize in your own words what Richard said? ... Richard, is this what you meant?

Could you give me an example?

Would _____ be a good example of that?

Questions that probe assumptions

What are you assuming here?

What is Jenny assuming?

What could we assume instead?

You seem to be assuming _____. Do I understand you correctly?

All of your reasoning depends on the idea that _____. Why have you based your reasoning on _____ instead of _____?

You seem to be assuming _____. How do you justify taking that for granted?

Is that always the case? Why do you think the assumption holds here?

Why would someone make that assumption?

Questions that probe reasons and evidence

Could you explain your reasons to us?

How does that apply to this case?

Is there a reason to doubt that evidence?

Who is in a position to know that is true?

What would you say to someone who said that ____?

Can someone else give evidence to support that view?

By what reasoning did you come to that conclusion?

How could we find out if that is true?

Questions about viewpoints or perspectives

What are you implying by that?

When you say _____, are you implying _____?

But, if that happened, what else would happen as a result? Why?

What effect would that have?

Would that necessarily happen or only possibly/probably happen?

What is an alternative?

If _____ and _____ are the case, then what might also be true?

If we say that ____ is ethical, how about _____?

Questions that probe implications and consequences

How can we find out?

What does this question assume?

Would _____ ask this question differently?

How could someone settle this question?

Can we break this question down at all?

Is this question clear? Do we understand it?

Is this question easy or hard to answer? Why?

Do we all agree that this is the question?

To answer this question, what other questions must we answer first?

How would _____ state the issue?

Why is this issue important?

Is this the most important question, or is there an underlying question?

Can you see how this might relate to ________?

Questions adapted from Paul, R. (1993). Critical Thinking: How To Prepare Students for a Rapidly Changing World: Foundation for Critical Thinking, Santa Rosa, CA.

Questions about the Question?

What was the point of this question?

Why do you think I asked this question?

What does...mean?

How does...apply to everyday life?


मुझे लगता है S, M मैं चला गया है?


P: Precision Questions: कोई question है तब यह प्रयत्न करो की उस question पर question पूछ कर more specific हुआ जावे। Can you be more specific? 

कोरोना की वजह से M को S में डुबो के रखता था। मुझे लगता है S, M मैं चला गया है?

A: Accuracy Questions: How could be test that? 

P: Perspective (परिप्रेक्ष्य) questions: Is there another point of view we could examine? 

E: Equity questions: What conflicts of interest exist here?

R: Relevance Questions: How does this relate to the problem?

C: Complexity questions: What makes this a difficult question to answer?

L: Logic questions: Does this make all sense together?

I: Importance questions: What is the most important issue on which to focus.

P: Perspicuity (अंधकार से छुटकारा) questions: What do you mean?

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Happiest Persons in the world

1) Matthieu Ricard (मैथ्‍यु रिकर्ड): The world's happiest man (YouTube)

His message: Just spend 15 continuous minutes per day thinking happy thoughts (Link)

Start by thinking happy thoughts for 10 to 15 minutes per day, Ricard says. Typically when we experience feelings of happiness and love, it's fleeting and then something else happens, and we move on to the next thought. But Ricard says instead, concentrate on not letting your mind get distracted and keep focused on the positive emotions for the next stretch of time. And if you do that training every day, even just 2 weeks later you can feel positive mental results. And if you practice that for fifty years like Ricard has, you can become a happiness pro too.

वे प्रतिदिन करते हैं ये 5 एक्सरसाइज (Link)
मैथ्यू खुश रहने के लिए नियमित रूप से 5 प्रमुख एक्सरसाइज भी करते हैं. है जो उन्हें खुश रखने में मदद करती हैं. सबसे पहले 1 से 2 मिनट तक पूरी आंखें खोलकर देखते हैं. उसके बाद नियमित रूप से हर घंटे 10 सेकंड की काइंडनेस एक्सरसाइज करते हैं. फिर, वे कहते हैं आपको अपने बच्चों, पत्नी या माता पिता या जिससे सबसे अधिक प्रेम करते हैं. उसकी मुस्कराती हुई तस्वीर को 1 मिनट तक लगातार देखें. उसके बाद वे जरूरी मात्रा में चॉकलेट या अखरोट खाते हैं और खाने की सलाह देते हैं. वे कहते हैं कि हमें मुंह खोलकर पूरा मुस्कराना चाहिए. वे इन सभी एक्सरसाइज को नियमित रूप से अपनाते हैं और सलाह देते हैं.


मंत्र नंबर 1 @ 1 से 2 मिनट तक बड़ी आंख करके देखना...
मंत्र नंबर 2 @ हर घंटे में 10 सेकंड की Kindness एक्सरसाइज
मंत्र नंबर 3 @ बच्चों, वाइफ, मां-बाप जिसे सबसे ज्यादा चाहते हैं, उसकी मुस्कुराती तस्वीर 1 मिनट तक लगातार देखना
मंत्र नंबर 4 @ चॉकलेट या अखरोट खाएं
मंत्र नंबर 5 @ मुंह खोलकर फेक स्माइल


पिछले साल बिजनेस इनसाइडर ने जब उनसे पूछा कि लोग कैसे खुशी पा सकते हैं पर रिकार्ड ने कहा कि इसके लिए उदारता और परोपकारिता महत्वपूर्ण हैं. रोजाना 15 मिनट तक लगातार प्रसन्नता वाले विचारों को सोचकर अपने मस्तिष्क को इस दिशा में प्रशिक्षित करने से भी काफी फायदा होता है. 

जीक्यू से बात करते हुए उन्होंने कहा, "दूसरों से खुद की तुलना करना भी खतरनाक है. तुलना करने से प्रसन्नता खत्म हो जाती है."


मेरे हिसाब से 15 Happiness Thoughts/Things जो तुम्हारे साथ हुये हैं वो लिख लो और उनको चहरे पर स्माइल रख कर सोचो-

1) मैं जब बाप बना।

2) मेरे मॉ बाप

3) मेरे प्राण प्यारे भैया

4) जब मैं rekhta पर पब्लिश हुआ।

5) जब मेरा रिसर्च पेपर 45 मिनटस के अंदर पब्लिश हुआ।

6) जब मेरा जॉब में सिलेक्शन हुआ।

7) जब मुझे पहली बार प्यार हुआ

8) वो समय जब में डरता नहीं था।

9) वो समय जब में ख़ुद को निगेटिव जजिंग नहीं करता था

10) वो समय जब में अवसाद जैसी बातों से अनभिज्ञ था।

11) वो समय जब में ख़ुद को बेवकूफ नहीं समझता था।

12) मैंने बहुत सारी ट्रेकिंग की हैं।





Sunday, April 11, 2021

Smile Smile Smile

Smile Mediation: हर मुस्कुराहट पर एक मिनट/10 सेकण्ड रुको।

Acharya Vidyasagar Ji Maharaj

Sudha Sagar Ji Maharaj

मैथ्यू रिकर्ड

Mukesh Ambani: Power of Intuition

Albert Einstein

1.  Juhi Chawla's "Smile Is Contagious". 

2. Deepika

3. Julia Roberts:

4. Sushmita Sen

5. Alia Bhat

6. Shraddha Kapoor

7. Marilyn Monroe

8. Angelina Jolie:
9. Dia Mirza:

10. Shashi Kapoor

11. Deepti Naval
12. Dev Anand

13. Sanjeev Kumar

14. Miranda Kerr
15. Cameron Diaz

16. Jennifer Lopez
17. Jim Carrey

18. Subramanian Swamy

Ranveer Singh

19. Laughing Buddha




Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Science Shopping List

Math Lab

2 packets of bindis

Maths notebook

Red and dark blue colour pencils



Coins (1,2)




Plastic ruler (Big)

Steel ruler (Big)

2 steel glasses




Iron nail

Plastic building blocks

Paper clips



Soft toy

Fruit Cream

Fire less Cooking

1 bowl of mixed fruits chopped into pieces

1/2 bowl of pomegranate seeds

2 spoons sugar

1/2 cup fresh cream ( amul or homemade)

1/2 spoon black pepper

Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Socratic Method

General types of Socratic questions: PAPERCLIP (mnemonic) (Link)

Three types of questions are often used: exploratory, spontaneous and focused.2 Exploratory questions show how much the student knows and may be used to introduce a new topic or review past discussions that may relate to the current topic. Spontaneous questions can be used to probe the student in exploring their beliefs and assumptions; they allow the student to reflect on the issue at hand. Focused questions narrow the discussion on what the preceptor would like the student to think about, stimulating them intellectually.

Effective Socratic Questioning:

Raise basic issues

Probe beneath the surface structure

Pursue problematic areas of thought

Aid students in discovering the truth of their own thought

Aid students in developing sensitivity to clarity, accuracy, relevance and depth

Aid students in arriving at judgments though their reasoning

Help students analyze purposes, assumptions, questions, points of view, information, inferences, concepts and implications.

P: Precision Questions: कोई question है तब यह प्रयत्न करो की उस question पर question पूछ कर more specific हुआ जावे। Can you be more specific?

A: Accuracy Questions: How could be test that? 

P: Perspective (परिप्रेक्ष्य) questions: Is there another point of view we could examine? 

E: Equity questions: What conflicts of interest exist here?

R: Relevance Questions: How does this relate to the problem?

C: Complexity questions: What makes this a difficult question to answer?

L: Logic questions: Does this make all sense together?

I: Importance questions: What is the most important issue on which to focus.

P: Perspicuity (अंधकार से छुटकारा) questions: What do you mean?

Types of Socratic Questions (PAPER CLIP) (Link)

Questions of Precision: Can you be more specific?

Questions of Accuracy: How could we test that?

Questions of Perspective: Is there another point of view we could examine?

Questions of Equity: What conflicts of interest exist here?

Questions of Relevance: How does this relate to the problem?

Questions of Complexity: What makes this a difficult question to answer?

Questions of Logic: Does this all make sense together?

Questions of Importance: What is the most important issue on which to focus?

Questions of Perspicuity: What do you mean?

पेपर के अंत में एक अच्छा example भी दिया हुआ है। (Link)


जो नीचे image दी जा रही है उसका सोर्स है- लिंक


जो नीचे image दी जा रही है उसका सोर्स है- Link|


जो नीचे image दी जा रही है उसका सोर्स है-


List of Basic Socratic Questions:

Can you give an example of…?

Can you explain that...?

Can you put it another way...?

How do we know that...?

Do you have any evidence...?

What if someone else were to suggest that...?

What would be the consequences of that...?

How could you test to see if it were true?

How does what was said help us...?

Are we any closer to answering the question/problem...?

Is there another point of view...?



Socrates and the three questions... (Link)

A good laugh from Mick Moloney:

In ancient Greece (469 - 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom.

One day the great philosopher came upon an acquaintance who ran up to him excitedly and said, "Socrates, do you know what I just heard about one of your students?"

"Wait a moment," Socrates replied. "Before you tell me I'd like you to answer three questions."

"Before you talk to me about my student let's take a moment to filter what you're going to say. The first question is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?"

"No," the man said, "actually I just heard about it."

"All right," said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second question of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my student something good?"

"No, on the contrary ...".

"So," Socrates continued, "you want to tell me something bad about him, even though you're not certain it's true?".
