Tuesday, March 17, 2020


In 3D view:

1. To rotate around in the 3D view, hold down the middle mouse button and move the mouse.
To move up and down or to and fro, hold shift+middle mouse, and and move the mouse.
Use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out.
To select an object right click, to de-select right click away from the object.
To select multiple objects, hold "SHIFT" and select the objects.
To select everything press "A" or to de-select everything press "A"
Notice that when you select something, it will be highlighted orange. (Link)
Split the 3D View vertically: इसके लिये right corner को आधे स्क्रीन तक खीच लाओ।
ग्राफ एडीटर को लाने के लिये Shift+F6
A screen layout in Blender is specifically set up for animation. You can choose it from the Screen Layout datablock at the top of the Blender window or by using the Ctrl+ ← ⇒ Ctrl+ ← hotkey combination.

In Object Mode (to switch between Object Mode and Edit Mode just press TAB.):
Modifiers (go figure): Switch back to object mode. Modifiers modify your mesh (go figure). One that you will use often will be the "subdivision surface" modifier. This modifier makes your model all smooth. The modifier properties are in the right tool bar. (Link)

Add text: space-bar को press करने से यह window आती हैं, जिसमें यह object search कर सकते हैं।

To add a new object to your scene, use the Shift+A hotkey.

(Ctrl+N ⇒ Reload Start-Up File).
Select the default cube object and switch to the camera view (right-click, Numpad 0).

In Edit Mode (to switch between Object Mode and Edit Mode just press TAB.):
1. Translation: There are three ways to do this, one is to simple right click and drag. Another is to just select the object and press "G" Or, you can left click on the axis you want to move the object on, and drag.
Rotating: Rotating is very simple, all you have to do is select the object to be rotated, and press "R" If you want to rotate around a specific axis, first press "R" then "X", "Y", or "Z". Each letter corresponds to it's respective axis.
Scaling: To scale an object, simply press "S". if you want to stretch an object along a certain axis press "X", "Y", or "Z", after pressing "S". (Link)
2. In edit mode there are three ways to select things, you can either select individual vertexes, lines or planes. To switch, click the three buttons at the bottom. (Link)
3. In edit mode you can select two or more vertexes, and merge them together.
To do this, go into edit mode, select the vertexes you want to merge, press "W", then, merge. (Link)
4. Extruding: In edit mode, you can select a line, vertex, or plane, and extrude, or, extend it.
to do this, select the thing you want to extrude, then press "E". (Link)
5. Edge Loop Slide (Cut in mesh): This allows you to make a "cut" in a mesh, letting modify it further. to do this, press "CTR+R" and select the spot you want to cut, then it will allow you to slide that cut, then place it. This is handy when you want to extrude only a certain part of a plane. (Link)

Render View: 1. Show/Hide render view F11
2. Render करने के लिये I दबाना है फिर ड्रॉप डाउन मेनू में location पर क्लिक करना है।