Thursday, February 15, 2024

Healthy Diet/Food Items which I tried

 Coconut water (Link)

Pista- a complete protein (Link)

Curd (Link)

भिगोए हुए बादाम (Link)

राजगिरा के गुड़ वाले लड्डू (Link

तिल के गुड़ वाले लड्डू


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Stocks daily read book

 1. Loss is the part of game. इसलिए तैयार हूँ।

2. Penny stocks ख़ासतौर पर जब fall हो रहे हों तब ख़रीदने से बचें| अध्ययन होने पर ही ख़रीदें| (लिंक)

3. किसी स्टॉक के लिए बीटा बताता है कि बाज़ार की तुलना में स्टॉक की कीमत कितनी बढ़ती है। यदि किसी स्टॉक का बीटा 1 से ऊपर है, तो यह समग्र बाजार की तुलना में अधिक अस्थिर है। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि किसी परिसंपत्ति का बीटा 1.3 है, तो यह सैद्धांतिक रूप से बाजार की तुलना में 30% अधिक अस्थिर है।

The beta coefficient can be interpreted as follows:

β =1 exactly as volatile as the market

β >1 more volatile than the market

β <1>0 less volatile than the market

β =0 uncorrelated to the market

β <0 negatively correlated to the market

4.  book the profit and leave the capital


take out the capital and leave the profit.


Friday, February 2, 2024

Book for daily reading to keep anxiety/ panic-attack away

चिंता, अवसाद, पैनिक अटेक आदि से बहुत लोग परेशान हैं| Negative thought patterns is about expectations and unrealistic standards, wherein if something is not entirely perfect, you see it or yourself as a failure. overgeneralizing. ध्यान करने से इसमें बहुत फ़ायदा होता है लेकिन ध्यान करना उन कठिन क्षणों में मुश्किल होता है| यहाँ पर जैन धर्म का एक सिद्धांत कि आप रोज उस चीज़ से संबंधित पुस्तक पढ़े तो आप भी उस अवस्था को पा सकते हैं| चलिए anxious thoughts/ anxiety/ panic-attack को दूर करने के लिए इस लेख को पढ़ते हैं-

 1) Shoganai शोगानाई (It can’t be helped)

It simply means to practice accepting things that are not in your control. There’s no point in wasting time over things that you have no control over, right? Instead, you should always look forward to things that are in your control. This is a forward-thinking attitude that if you’re able to develop, you will be able to navigate through life’s struggles in a better way.

“Shoganai is a Japanese phrase that conveys acceptance of circumstances beyond one's control,” says Sodhani. In other words, it means 'it is what it is' and all you need is to accept it. By embracing the principle of Shoganai, individuals can let go of constant worry and ruminate over things they cannot change, finding peace in surrendering to the flow of life.

2) Ikigai इकीगाई (What matters most to me in my life?)

जापानियों के अनुसार हर व्यक्ति की एक इकिगाई (ikigai) होती है। इकिगाई शब्द का जापानी भाषा में अर्थ है 'सुबह उठने का कारण'। इसे जीवन का उद्देश्य या जीवन का आनंद लेने का कारण भी कहा जाता है।

This is a well-known Japanese term. Ikigai, often described as one's "reason for being," is the intersection of what one loves, what one is good at, what the world needs, and what one can be paid for. By identifying and aligning with your Ikigai, you can find clarity in your life's purpose and direction, freeing yourself from the cycle of overthinking.

Having a purpose is important

Known as "ikigai" in Japan and "plan de vida" in Costa Rica, having a sense of purpose beyond work is crucial. Research suggests that knowing your sense of purpose can add up to seven years to your life, according to Buettner.

मेरा इकीगाई अभय हो कर के सिद्ध भगवान/वीतराग भगवान बनना है|

3) Kintsugi किंसुगी

Kintsugi एक जापानी कला है. मिट्टी से बने बर्तन या अन्य किसी भी चीज के टूटने पर, इन चीजों को फिर से सोने की मदद से जोड़ा जाता है.

Kintsugi is the Japanese technique that teaches us to celebrate our flaws, urging us to embrace imperfections instead of chasing an impossible ideal. Vishakha Sodhani, a certified psychologist, says, "By embracing your flaws and learning from setbacks, you can overcome the fear of failure and cultivate a mindset of acceptance and growth."

Let's celebrate our flaws. I am proud of my flaws.

The ideal imperfection

It's important to have achievable goals and realize that perfection isn't always possible. Restrict your information intake, especially when it comes with troubling news, and accept that things aren't ideal.

4) Shirin-Yoku शिरिन-योकू / वन-स्नान 

According to a study published by Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, this practise has been scientifically proven to reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, and enhance overall well-being. All of this is what Shirin-Yoku is all about! Shirin-Yoku, or forest bathing, involves immersing oneself in nature and mindfully experiencing the sights, sounds, and sensations of the forest. Spending time in nature is known to improve mental health.

Whenever you feel tired from the hustle culture, you feel like taking a break. Don't we all joke about how we want to move up north in the lap of the Himalayas and spend time peacefully. This technique suggests that the best way you can avoid overthinking is by surrounding yourself with greenery in the lap of nature where you can feel at ease. This will help calm your mind.

5) Zazen ज़ाज़ेन 

ख़ुद के अंदर मौज़ूद thought making machine के द्वारा बनाए गए thoughts को देखना.

Zazen is a meditative discipline that is typically the primary practise of the Zen Buddhist tradition. It involves sitting quietly and observing the thoughts that arise without judgment or attachment. "Through regular meditation, you can train your mind to become less reactive to intrusive thoughts, allowing yourself to detach from the grip of overthinking and experience inner peace," explains Sodhani.

साक्षी भाव को जगाने के लिए ख़ुद को नाम से पुकारिए- रवि अब सो रहा है. रवि अब डर रहा है. रवि मोबाइल चला रहा है.

आख़िरी में यह कह सकते हैं कि जिस चीज़ का रवि को डर लगा रहा है रवि वही काम करेगा

6) Yugen युगेन/ Feeling of bliss

Yūgen — A Feeling Beyond Happiness

Yūgen is a sense not to enjoy the superficial beauty of an object, which is in front of our eyes but to enhance the beauty more impressive by imagining its latent beauty. For example, we think a flower is beautiful when we see it. This beauty is the superficial beauty. The flower has a past of withstanding wind, rain, and snow until now, and will someday wither, however beautiful it is now. Although the beautiful flower itself impresses us, the beauty will be more impressive than the superficial beauty, when we can imagine its past and future.

"Yugen is a concept that refers to awareness of the profound mystery and beauty of the universe, beyond what can be expressed in words," avers Sodhani, By cultivating a sense of Yugen, you can develop a deeper appreciation for the present moment and let go of the need to analyse your future, which causes you to overthink constantly.

Ask yourself, am I willing ….

to accept that the moment is perfect? 

to let go of all the things that no longer serve me ?

to throw away the things that make me sad?

7) Mono no aware मोनो नो अवेयर/चीज़ों के अस्थायी या क्षणभंगुर होने का एहसास

Mono no aware is the bittersweet awareness of the impermanence of all things, helping you develop a deep sense of empathy and appreciation for the fleeting moments of beauty in life. Practise mindfulness and presence in each moment to incorporate mono no aware into your life. It can develop greater compassion, reducing the risk of overthinking again and again.

8) Wabi-sabi

वाबी-सबी एक सरल और आसानी से समझ आने वाली शैली में हमें दिखाती है कि अपनी अपूर्णता और अस्थायित्व को स्वीकार करने से किस तरह बेहतर होने की कोशिश से बचा जा सकता है. 

वाबी-सबी शब्द दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है: 1) वाबी का मतलब है जीवन और वस्तुओं को देखने का नजरिया. 2) साबी का मतलब है, क्षणभंगुरता, अस्थिरता यानी जीवन को उसकी नश्वरता में स्वीकार करना. 

Wabi-sabi is the Japanese aesthetic philosophy that finds beauty in impermanence, imperfection, and simplicity. By embracing the wabi-sabi mindset, individuals can learn to let go of unrealistic standards and find contentment in the natural flow of life, reducing the tendency to overthink.

8A) Nenbutsu

It’s a simple and powerful way of shifting your mind from things that are causing you to overthink. It suggests that you repeat a sacred phrase that you believe in or simply chant the name of Buddha. This way it will help your mind to focus better and find peace too. It is a great way to feel calm and mindful of what you’re doing and feeling.

8B) Gaman

It’s about teaching yourself that you must not feel bogged down in times of difficulty. The idea is to stay strong and resilient even when life surprises you by moving forward. The best way to go about it is by focusing on taking one step at a time.

8C) Ikebana

This one is an interesting technique and effective too. It suggests that you arrange flowers and place them in a very thoughtful manner with utmost attention. When your mind will become too engrossed in creating something of beauty, you will see how fast your mind will stop focusing on troubling thoughts.

13) Deep Breathing

Your breathing becomes faster and shallower as you become more enraged. Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose, then let the air out of your mouth for a few seconds.

14) Mentally Escape/ Meditation

To achieve serenity among rage, picture yourself in a peaceful location and pay attention to small details like the colour of the water, the height of the mountains, and the sounds of the birds.

15) Express How You Feel

Ask a responsible friend for composed answers and learn how to handle your emotions. Well-reached conversation calms tension and soothes rage.

16) Dear Anxiety, 

    1) तुम्हारे द्वारा दिये गये विचार को सुकरात के तीन filters से गुज़ारते हैं-

    1a) Truth: क्या तुम सहमत हो कि जो विचार लाए हो वो सत्य है.

    1b) Goodness: क्या इसमें कुछ अच्छाई है.

    1c) Essential: क्या इस पर विचार करना essential है.

17) हां, ओवरथिंकिंग से बचाव संभव है.

इसके लिये एक परफ़ेक्ट रूटीन की आवश्यकता हैं, जिसका पालन लगातार करने से मन ओवरथिंकिंग करना कम, फिर धीरे धीरे बंद कर देगा.

एक्सरसाईज के लिये स्वामी रामदेव जी का वीडिओ तलाश करें।

ध्यान व स्लीप के लिये हार्टफ़ुलनेस का वीडिओ तलाश करें।

भोजन की विधि के लिये स्वामी रामदेव जी का वीडिओ तलाश करें।

18) इसके अतिरिक्त मैं एक शक्तिशाली विधि आपसे शेयर करना चाहता हूं। इस विधि में ओवरथिंकिंग/कुछ दूसरी समस्या के स्टेटमेंट के साथ सदैव एक पॉजिटिव स्टेटमेंट हर बार कहना है। और सबकोंसियस माइंड को कहना है कि सबकोंसियस माइंड ओवरथिंकिंग स्टेटमेंट को mark as neutral, burn it and discard करो। बाद में subconscious mind को धन्यवाद और यह आग्रह की वह यह automatically करे, यह कहना है।

Example 1:

अगर तुम्हें भी लग रहा है तो कहो कि-

मैंने भय नहीं किया तो मेरी बॉडी को जो नुकसान होना था उससे बच गया हूँ और इसके बदले मैंने हँसना पसंद किया जिससे मेरी बॉडी और स्वस्थ्य हो गई है। 

Example 2:

अगर तुम्हें fast food खाने का मन कर रहा है-

मैंने fast food नहीं खाया इसलिए मेरी बॉडी का नुकसान होने से मैनें रोक लिया और इसके बदले मैंने green tea पी जिस से मेरी बॉडी और स्वस्थ्य हो गई है। 

Example 3:

अगर तुम्हे financial कुछ डर लग रहा है-

19) णमो सिद्धाणं बोलो और यह महसूस करो कि divine blessings प्राप्त हो रही हैं| यह हर पाँच मिनट बाद करें तो अच्छा रहेगा|

20) “Am I sure?” (To counter your own assumptions and accusations)

To counter your own assumptions and accusations, it’s best to take the advice of Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh and ask yourself: “Am I sure?” It’s not easy to turn yourself into an optimist, but most of the time this question will disarm your negativity because the answer will almost certainly be “no.”

21) “Am I sure?” 

Again, another great way to reverse this pattern of assumption and accusation is to ask yourself: “Am I sure?” If you continue to jump to the same conclusion, the best thing might be to actually find out the answer.

22) To stop magnifying/catastrophizing, one might minimize. You can do that by putting your experience into perspective. Don’t search online for what your illness could be—instead, go to a clinic. Think realistically about whether someone could fire you for a simple mistake. A great way to get some help is to talk to others about your concerns.

23) Stop using “shoulds” and start setting realistic, small goals to help motivate you. Instead of making up stressful rules in your life, be flexible and gentle with yourself.

24) You can reverse this negative thought pattern by coming to terms with the realistic limits of your control. You can’t control what others think or feel or enjoy or don’t enjoy. All you are responsible for is yourself.

25) Say no

To put an end to the cycle, learn to say no. Otherwise, the tasks, obligations, and expectations running around in your head will only increase. You'll never escape. Refuse invitations; refuse to worry; refuse to take on another file at work; refuse to exhaust yourself living up to standards that don't reflect who you are. Saying no is the first step to decreasing your mental load.

26) Say yes to pleasurable activities. Say yes to taking care of yourself.

When you're feeling crushed beneath your obligations, you probably tend to concentrate only on what you have to do. You start to say no to pleasurable activities that, while they won't eliminate your mental load, will help you relax a little. Say yes to taking care of yourself. Say yes even if it is to eating some poutine, buying a new shirt, or any other little treats that you rarely enjoy. Indulge yourself. Such simple pleasures can make a big difference on crazy days.

27) Move

Physical activity rids the body of stress and tension and, what's more, re-energizes you. It may not be easy to fit exercise into your schedule, but try looking at it as a required part of your plan to get back into shape—mentally! The sense of well-being you'll feel after a bit of exercise will motivate you to do more.

28) Be positive

Instead of talking about your responsibilities in a negative way, try looking at things differently and being positive about what you do. Train yourself to see the good side of things rather than grumbling about every minor snag. Minimizing what you do can undermine your good mood.

29) Cut corners/ Leave the desire for perfection

Accept the fact that everything doesn't have to be perfect. You can cut certain corners to avoid making some tasks too burdensome. The desire for perfection at all costs indicates a need for control bordering on obsession.

30) Choose your battles

Not everything in your life has the same importance. Set priorities, and above all, choose your battles. What is really important to you? What are you worrying about that may not necessarily merit such concern?

31) Be a little selfish

Think about yourself, and stop (just a bit) thinking about others (and for others!). Make yourself the top priority in your life. You have always put the needs of others before your own. Why not take a step back and re-establish a healthier balance?

32) Laugh

Laughter is a powerful remedy for stress. It's no miracle cure, but laughing often relieves tension. Laughing will also calm certain situations that may otherwise become nerve-racking.

33) Aim for personal degrowth

The ultimate goal is to have fewer things to do. Better yet, the least possible. But, this is not easy. Personal degrowth means doing less as well as owning fewer things. Minimizing your footprint results in lower expectations and fewer tasks on your to-do list.

34) लगातार भगवान को धन्यवाद दो और भगवान से वादा करो कि भगवान मैं अब डरूँगा नहीं. भगवान आप कृपा करते रहें कि मेरा डरना बंद हो जाए.

35) Set a thinking timer: Sometimes the brain simply wants to think or find solutions to things. We should assign a particular time of the day to that. When the timer goes off, we should promptly move on to other activities.

36) Engage in our five senses: Instead of ruminating about possibilities that may or may not happen, we should bring our focus to our five senses. This will help us to get in touch more with our senses.

37) Write: When the thoughts start to get extremely overwhelming, we can try writing them or journaling them. This often gives us the feeling of pouring our heart out and makes us feel light.

38) पीठ सीधी, कंधे उभरे, छाती चौड़ी रखो। 

39) नाम जापः रात दिन णमो सिद्धाणं की जाप दो. मैं bliss में हूँ, यह भी लगातार रट सकते हैं.

40) Heartfulness की cleaning method.

41) express gratitude

42) Having empathy

To be self-caring, one must be nice and kind to oneself. It also entails treating oneself with the same consideration and compassion as a close friend going through similar experience.

43) जो तुम कल या एक सेकंड पहले थे वो तुम्हारा पिछला जन्म था, अभी तुम्हारा नया जन्म है|


"For aspiring writers, the golden rule is the 3Rs: Regular writing, constant reading, and honest revisions.

45) The 3-3-3 Rule for Anxiety

The 3-3-3 rule can help you stop ruminating thoughts and bring you into the present moment. Whenever you feel anxious, look around the room and name three things you see, name three things you hear, and move three parts of your body.

46) Progressive Muscle Relaxation: When you have a free moment, sit in a relaxed position and tense every muscle in your body. Then, slowly, starting with your head, release the muscle tension throughout your body all the way down to your feet.

47) Find Distractions: As I said above, sometimes anxiety will impact your mood or thinking without cause. If that’s the case, sometimes there is no resolution to be sought and the best strategy is to distract yourself. Reading a book, watching TV, listening to music or going for a run can aid with distracting yourself from the anxiety long enough that it goes away. Below is a list of 15 ideas that can help with distraction.

Listen to music

Read a book

Go for a run

Call a friend

Write an email

Work on a project


Take a nap

Clean the bathroom

Ride a bike

Draw a picture

Write in your journal

Write a poem

Reorganize your home

Do a yoga routine

I wish anxiety were easier to vanquish, but the truth is, it takes a lot work. Most people aren't afraid of hard work, they are afraid of self-discipline, putting in the hard work day after day, even when they don't want to. But that's what it takes. You can achieve self-discipline by following the seven strategies discussed in this post and rolling them into daily habits. Before you know it, one day turns into two, and then three, and then a month and then a lifestyle, a lifestyle of managing and overcoming anxiety. You can do it.

48) Make sleep a priority. 

The brain needs sleep to thrive. Studies show that most adults need seven or more hours of sleep a night. Going to bed and waking at the same time also helps you create healthy sleep habits.

49) हमेशा छोटे ही सही किसी न किसी संकल्प को लेकर के चलो|

अगर जैन हो तो ये संकलप follow करना ही चाहिए क्योंकि जैन होने के essential संकल्प हैं-

- रात्री भोजन का त्याग  (प्राइमेरी requirement) । सिर्फ़ पानी की छूट ले सकते हो|

- प्याज और लहसुन का त्याग 

50) Gita offers invaluable lessons for integrating spiritual wisdom into daily life and professional settings. Here's a breakdown of its relevance chapter by chapter:

Chapter 1: In professional environments, people may appear supportive while undermining your reputation to hinder your progress. Such deceitful figures can be likened to characters like Shakuni, Karna, and Duryodhana. Similarly, one might encounter familial challenges, especially concerning property disputes, necessitating strong resolve to protect one's legacy.

Chapter 2: Embrace risks in everyday decisions without undue fear of consequences. Trust your instincts and rationale, setting aside ego for the greater good.

Chapter 3: Leaders should lead by example, inspiring juniors with dedication and perseverance, fostering a positive workplace culture.

Chapter 4: View your work as a form of worship, executing tasks diligently and honouring the wisdom passed down through scriptures.

Chapter 5: Corporate success often hinges on smart work, requiring consistent effort aligned with ethical and instinctual decision-making.

Chapter 6: A harmonious work environment, rooted in principles and guidance, fosters efficiency and contentment.

Chapter 7: Knowledge and self-belief guide aspirations and achievements.

Chapter 8: Dedicate your efforts to a higher purpose, trusting in divine outcomes.

Chapter 9: Recognise the singular essence of the divine, avoiding fragmented worship practices.

Chapter 10: Base decisions on ethical considerations, aligning actions with righteousness.

Chapter 11: Acknowledge the limitations of human understanding, avoiding undue speculation on uncontrollable aspects.

Chapter 12: Emphasise inner balance and detachment, reflecting qualities that resonate with spiritual ideals.

Chapter 13: Patience remains pivotal, acknowledging that actions yield results in due time.

Chapter 14: Maintain diligence and professionalism, avoiding personal biases and vices.

Chapter 15: Detach from superficial titles, focusing on a deeper spiritual connection.

Chapter 16: Foster kindness and compassion, recognising the inherent divinity in all.

Chapter 17: Opt for a balanced, Satvik diet to nurture both mental and physical well-being.

Chapter 18: Approach tasks with clarity and humility, adhering to ethical standards and maintaining confidentiality.

51) It all begins with a thought

"Watch your thoughts, they turn into words. Watch your words, they turn into actions. Watch your actions, they turn into habits. Watch your habits, they turn into character. Watch your character, it turns into your destiny. It all begins with a thought." Gaur Gopal Das

Power of words and sword

"It is strange that sword and words have the same letters. Even more strange is that they have the same effect if not handled properly." Gaur Gopal Das

Worry comes easy

"Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy." Gaur Gopal Das


"We must find positivity in the bleakest situations and live by the principle of gratitude." Gaur Gopal Das

Do what you love

"If someone chooses what they love to do, there is no stress in their life. As they say: 'If you do what you love, you will never have to work a day in your life.'" Gaur Gopal Das

Dare to dream big​

Dhirubhai Ambani aptly said, “If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs”. His legacy is a proof of this! Gaur Gopal Das

52) 8 Phrases that Will Lower Your Anxiety Levels

"I Am in Control of My Thoughts"

When faced with overwhelming thoughts or worries, reminding yourself that you are in control can be a powerful affirmation. This phrase serves as a gentle reminder that while external circumstances may be challenging, your response to them is within your control. By acknowledging your ability to guide your thoughts, you empower yourself to navigate through anxious moments with resilience.

"This Too Shall Pass"

Life is filled with ups and downs, and sometimes, the lows can feel insurmountable. Repeating the phrase "this too shall pass" can provide a perspective shift. It emphasizes the transient nature of emotions and situations, instilling hope that challenging times are temporary.

"I Choose Peace Over Anxiety"

The power of choice plays a significant role in managing anxiety. By consciously choosing peace over anxiety, you assert control over your emotional state. This phrase reinforces the idea that, even in the face of chaos, you can prioritize inner calm. It encourages the cultivation of a peaceful mindset, helping to counteract the grip of anxiety.

"I Am Stronger Than I Think"

During moments of anxiety, it's easy to underestimate our strength. Reminding yourself that you are stronger than you think can be a transformative affirmation. It encourages self-empowerment and reinforces the idea that you possess the inner strength to face and overcome challenges.

"Progress, Not Perfection"

Perfectionism often fuels anxiety as individuals strive for flawless outcomes in every aspect of life. Shifting the focus from perfection to progress can alleviate the pressure and reduce anxiety levels. This phrase encourages a more realistic and compassionate perspective, emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement rather than an unattainable ideal.

"I Am Grateful for..."

Cultivating gratitude is a powerful antidote to anxiety. Expressing gratitude has been linked to improved mental well-being. Incorporating the phrase "I am grateful for..." into your daily routine encourages a mindful reflection on positive aspects of your life. It redirects focus from stressors to moments of appreciation, fostering a more optimistic outlook and reducing anxiety levels.

"I Will Take One Step at a Time"

Overwhelm often accompanies anxiety, especially when faced with large tasks or challenges. Breaking down daunting situations into manageable steps can make them more approachable. Saying "I will take one step at a time" reinforces the importance of focusing on the present moment and the immediate actions required. This approach promotes a sense of control and can prevent feelings of being engulfed by the enormity of a situation.

"I Deserve Peace and Happiness"

Self-compassion is a crucial component of anxiety management. Acknowledging your worth and affirming that you deserve peace and happiness is a powerful mantra. This phrase challenges negative self-talk and promotes a mindset that prioritizes self-care. By recognizing your inherent value, you create space for positive emotions to flourish, diminishing the hold of anxiety.

52) जिस तरह क्रोध का antidote ख़ुद को क्षमा/क्रोधी पर दया/ भगवान से क्षमा मांगना आदि हैं उसी तरह anxiety का antidote अकर्ता भाव है|

53) Anxiety को logical anxiety की तरफ़ ले जाओ|

54) Write down every task you complete

As said before, confidence mainly comes from a sense that we have achieved our goal. You can improve your confidence by completing even the most minor tasks. For instance, actor Matthew McConaughey writes down every small job he does in a day (even using the bathroom) because it makes him feel like he’s achieved more.

55) Smile (because you want to)

Louis Armstrong had a point when he sang, “when you're smilin'... the whole world smiles with you.” This works by chain reaction. If you are mean to someone, they will probably behave similarly to you. When you walk around smiling, and people smile back, it can help you realize your worth.

56) A tidy desk (or room) is a tidy mind

Tidy your desk or your room. Feeling overwhelmed and anxious will stop you from feeling confident. One quick and practical way of helping you feel more relaxed and like you’ve got it together is having a tidy room.

57) Successive approximation

This complicated-sounding technique is at its root very simple: it involves taking daunting tasks and breaking them down into more manageable ones.

58) Four major steps

The first step is to identify your thought patterns. This vital step can be difficult to do alone because you are accustomed to your thoughts, but it’s not impossible. This also includes identifying specific problems or issues in your daily life.

Step two

The second step is discovering how your thoughts affect your feelings and behaviors. Your thoughts are the primary architects of your reality, providing the blueprint for how you will feel and then act. You will become aware of unproductive thought patterns and how they impact your life.

Step three

The third step is determining whether your thoughts are accurate or not. The goal here is to identify the negative thinking that is harming your mental health and reframing them in a way that changes how you feel.

Step four

The fourth step is to replace biased thoughts with more realistic ones, which will also include learning new behaviors and putting them into practice.

59) Successive approximation

This complicated-sounding technique is at its root very simple: it involves taking daunting tasks and breaking them down into more manageable ones.

By changing the way you think about tasks—from overwhelming and insurmountable, to easier and more achievable steps—you not only diminish your fears, but you also build a foundation for success whereupon you know you can rely on yourself and no task seems insurmountable.

60) Focusing on What You Can Control

Direct your attention towards things within your control, such as your actions and attitudes, to navigate uncertainty effectively and foster resilience.

61) Avoiding Comparison

Shift your focus inward and celebrate your unique journey instead of comparing yourself to others.

62) Say "no" out loud

Saying "no" out loud is a great tactic when you start to feel yourself slipping on a goal that needs some willpower. It might sound silly, but it will help you get back on track.

63) Make a list of your previous successes

It can be hard to stay motivated when you're seeing so many successful people online and on the news. To keep your willpower up and going, write down some of your biggest achievements over the years.

64) Voltaire on the pursuit of happiness

"I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health." This highlights happiness as a choice beneficial to one's well-being.

65) Sartre on existential choice

"We are our choices." Sartre emphasizes personal responsibility and the shaping of our essence through decisions, in line with existentialist philosophy.

66) 1. Automated Negative Thoughts (ANTs). The most common anxiety trigger is believing everything you think. Your brain is always generating the worst possible scenarios. So, learn to kill your ANTs.

67) “Thoughts lie. They lie a lot, and it is your uninvestigated or unquestioned thoughts that steal your happiness,” Dr Daniel G. Amen, a psychiatrist on  ‘Automatic Negative Thoughts’ (ANT) 

“If you do not question or correct your erroneous thoughts, you believe them, and you act as if they are 100 per cent true. Allowing yourself to believe every thought you have is the prescription for anxiety disorders, depression, relationship problems, and prolonged grief,” he added.

 “Whenever you feel sad, mad, nervous, or out of control, do the following: write down your automatic negative thoughts. The act of writing down the ANTs helps to get the invaders out of your head,” he advised.

Agreeing, Amrita Roy also suggested some ways to manage ANTs, they are:

-Challenging them with counter statements and arguments

-Using rebuttals with explanations and reasoning

-Substituting with positive thoughts

68) Control your breathing

When faced with a situation that might set off your anxiety, controlled breathing can help limit the damage. The UK’s National Health Service recommends breathing exercises: breathe in gently while counting from one to five in your head and breathing out at the same rate. Repeat the pattern for around five minutes.

69) Listen to white noise

Whether it’s to help you sleep or relax, white noise encourages the release of endorphins, which promote a feeling of well-being. The noise of water (e.g., a waterfall or waves) has a particularly calming effect.

70) E=mc2 rules कहता है कि या तो आप maas हैं या energy हैं| जब आप maas हैं आप anxiety, depression आदि के शिकार बन सकते हैं| अगर आप energy हैं तो आप spiritual, physical, mental प्रोग्रेस कर रहे हैं| मोटापे को भी इसी logic से समझिए|

71) “Anxiety is not the same as fear, but they are often used interchangeably. Anxiety is considered a future-oriented, long-acting response broadly focused on a diffuse threat, whereas fear is an appropriate, present-oriented, and short-lived response to a clearly identifiable and specific threat.”

72) It can lead to depression and anxiety

When you don't have an identity separate from work, you're more susceptible to depressive or anxious symptoms when work inevitably has its off days.

73) Anxiety का antidote उन सफ़ल कामों को याद करना हैं जिनको anxiety रोक रही थी और आपने किए|

74)  Overcome your fears

Whether it’s the fear of uncertainty or risk, fear can keep you paralyzed and prevent you from improving your life. Your fears reflect on areas where you can grow. Use that as a compass for what you can work on.

75) Get out of your comfort zone

Being too comfortable doesn’t help us grow, it rather makes us stand still. Identify what your comfort zones are and how you can begin to step out of them little by little.

76) Identify your blind spots

In personal development terms, blind spots are things about ourselves we are unaware of. By discovering what they are, you'll know your areas of improvement.

77) Avoid negative people

It doesn't matter where you go: there are bound to be negative people there. If possible, limit your time with them if you feel they drag you down.

78) Acknowledge your flaws

Everyone has flaws, but it's important to understand and address them through self-improvement practices. Remember to not look at them through a self-critical or mean-spirited lens. Instead, it's about finding areas you feel you can improve upon, and not about what's wrong with you.

79) Create an inspirational room

Your environment has a great impact on you and your mood. So if you're living in an inspirational environment, then this will get you inspired every day. If you have space, take a room in your home and level it up with a new coat of paint, some nice paintings, and comfortable furniture. It will make it welcoming and energizing.

80) Morning affirmations
Some examples of empowering affirmations include:

"I am worthy of love and respect."
"I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth."
"I trust in my abilities to overcome obstacles."
"I am surrounded by abundance and prosperity."
"I am confident in my decisions and choices."
"I attract positivity and joy into my life."
"I am grateful for the blessings that surround me."

81) "Sometimes, life's adversities lead us to the right path."- Jaya Kishori

"I will modify it to "Let life's adversities lead us to the right path."- Jaya Kishori

"Choose positive thoughts over negative ones, and your life will become better."- Jaya Kishori

"Actions speak louder than words; impactful teaching comes from actions, not just words."- Jaya Kishori

82) Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and acknowledge that it's normal to experience anxiety during sickness. Treat yourself with compassion and patience as you navigate through this challenging time.

83) What are the main components of a happy life?

Happiness is a mindset. Love, gratitude, forgiveness, and faith could be considered among the key components of a happy life.

84)  Which is worse: failing or never trying?

English poet Alfred Lord Tennyson once wrote: "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." (The pain of loss does not outweigh the pleasure of love.)

85) ​Questioning thoughts​

​When faced with negative thoughts, challenge their validity by asking yourself, "Are you sure?" This method encourages a moment of pause and reflection, allowing you to question and often diminish the power of these thoughts.​

86) Shrink thoughts

​Visualising your negative thoughts becoming smaller and eventually vanishing can be a powerful technique. This practice helps reduce their perceived importance, making them easier to dismiss.​

87) "Victims recite problems, leaders provide solutions".- Robin Sharma

88) Forgiveness

"Forgiveness is the greatest weapon, because a saint so armed is unperturbable he can give up anger immediately."

89) संकल्प में जीना है, विकल्प में नहीं. जब भी कोई विकल्प (सोशल anxiety- कोई क्या सोचेगा,) तो फ़ौरन संकल्प ले लो. उपसर्ग (मन में अगर negative विचार आएं तो यह भी उपसर्ग है) आए तो तुरंत संकल्प लो|

90) “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” — Norman Vincent Peale

“To change one’s life: 1. Start immediately. 2. Do it flamboyantly. 3. No exceptions.” — William James

“Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end.” — Robin Sharma

“The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

“I have accepted fear as part of life—specifically the fear of change… I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back….” — Erica Jong

“No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself.” — Madonna

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” — Oprah Winfrey

“It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t… It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not.” — James Gordon

91) “Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.” – Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” – Buddha

“If you tell yourself you feel fine, you will.” – Jodi Picoult

 "Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive good things and good people will be drawn to you." – Mary Lou Retton

“Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.” Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

 “Do not let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.” – Dr. Roopleen

“Mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it, to see a better world.” – Amit Ray

 “Positive thinking can be contagious. Being surrounded by winners helps you develop into a winner.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” – Oprah Winfrey

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” – Nelson Mandela

"Only in the darkness can you see the stars." Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Focus on an ocean of positives, not a puddle of negatives.” – Kevin Ansbro

“Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to success.” – Charles F. Glassman

"Spirituality has nothing to do with the atmosphere you live in. It’s about the atmosphere you create within yourself." Sadguru Jaggi Vasudeva

"The fear is simply because you are not living with life, you are living in your mind." Sadguru Jaggi Vasudeva

"The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it." Sadguru Jaggi Vasudeva

"If you resist change, you resist life." Sadguru Jaggi Vasudeva

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't.” ― John Green

“All stress, anxiety, depression, is caused when we ignore who we are, and start living to please others.” ― Paulo Coelho

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” — Fredrick Douglass

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor (Candor refers to the quality of being honest and forthright, especially when discussing a difficult or embarrassing subject.), and more unashamed conversation.” — Glenn Close

“What I love about therapy is that they'll tell you what your blind spots are. Although that's uncomfortable and painful, it gives you something to work with.” — Pink

“Mental health problems don’t define who you are. They are something you experience. You walk in the rain and you feel the rain, but you are not the rain.” — Matt Haig

“Increasing the strength of our minds is the only way to reduce the difficulty of life.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health.” — Lauren Fogel Mersy

"There isn’t anybody out there who doesn’t have a mental health issue, whether it’s depression, anxiety, or how to cope with relationships. Having OCD is not an embarrassment anymore–for me. Just know that there is help and your life could be better if you go out and seek the help." ― Howie Mandel

“Healing takes time, and asking for help is a courageous step.” — Mariska Hargitay

92) Handle anxious thoughts: AQFAP

A: Acknowledge the receiving of thought 

QF: Question your thought pattern and say to thought that I am not Fortune teller.

A: Apply following Antidotes: 1) Practice a new behaviour, 2) 

P: I will do what anxiety is stopping. It is my Promise to myself. 

93) Chew gum

Chewing on a piece of gum can help reduce anxiety (and even boost mood and productivity). In fact, research shows people who chew gum regularly are typically less stressed than non-gum chewers.

94) Squeeze a stress ball

When you’re feeling stress come on, try interacting with a stress-relief toy. Options include:

stress ball

magnetic balls

sculpting clay


Rubik’s cube

fidget spinner

95) Spend time with a pet

Interacting with your favorite furry friend can decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol and lower blood pressure. Quality time with a pet can also help you feel less alone and boost your overall mood.

96) "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." MG

"The measure of a man is not how much he suffers in the test, but how he comes out at the end." – Neal Shusterman

"The strong man is not the one who can overpower others, but the one who can control himself when provoked." – Anonymous

"Strength is not about being fearless; it's about facing your fears head-on and conquering them." – Anonymous

 “I am not what happened to me. I am what I chose to become.”  –  Carl Gustav Jung

"The best revenge is massive success." – Frank Sinatra

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success." –  Albert Schweitzer

“Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. ”  – N. R. Walker

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear—not absence of fear." – Mark Twain

"Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." – Sam Levenson

"It always seems impossible until it's done." – Nelson Mandela

 "The mind is everything. What you think you become." – Buddha

 “A strong man does not need a silent wife.” – Kate Elliott.

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” – Robert H. Schuller.

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.” – Hermann Hesse.

97) Office हो या घर हो internet से इतना ब्रेक लूँगा यह संकल्प लगाता लेते रहो| क्योंकि संकल्प लेने से विकल्प कम हो जाते हैं|

98) Be Positive, Be present Be prompt, Be passionate, Be in Process


Break down complex information into smaller, digestible chunks, and weave them into a narrative.

Associating information with a story enhances comprehension and recall - students not only grasp the material more readily but also improve their ability to retrieve it later.


Mind maps are valuable tools for comprehending and revisiting concepts, transforming extensive information into flowcharts.

Tracking subheadings ensures thoroughness, while consistency in the number of subheadings across chapters aids recall and comprehension.


Mnemonics are memory tools that greatly aid exam preparation. Techniques like acronyms, formed from the initial letters of a sequence of words, provide a concise and memorable way to retain information.

For example, "My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos" helps recall the order of planets in the solar system.


Dividing information into manageable groups enhances memorisation and retrieval.

This method, used for phone numbers or credit card details, is effective in exam preparation, enabling students to compartmentalise material for easier recall.

103) Make notes: Mental Health: आपके दिमाग में भी होता है Delete Button, मिट सकती हैं कड़वी यादें, ऐसे करें इस्तेमाल - how to delete bad memories mental health tips brain has delete button ahlbs - AajTak


Challenge assumptions and never take information at face value. Dig deeper, ask probing questions, and seek evidence to support or refute claims.

By questioning assumptions, you'll develop a more comprehensive understanding of complex issues.


Broaden your viewpoint by analysing different perspectives and considering diverse opinions. Evaluate arguments objectively, weighing the strengths and weaknesses of each viewpoint.

This practice will enhance your ability to think critically and make well-rounded judgments.


Critical thinking is closely linked to problem-solving. Sharpen your problem-solving abilities by breaking down complex problems into manageable parts, identifying key factors, and exploring alternative solutions.

Embrace a systematic approach to problem-solving to enhance your critical thinking prowess.


Allocate time for reflection and introspection. Regularly evaluate your thoughts, actions, and decision-making processes.

Reflective thinking allows you to identify biases, assess the effectiveness of your reasoning, and make improvements. Embrace self-awareness as a tool for enhancing critical thinking skills.

108) What is the 1-3-5-7 revision strategy used by toppers?

In the realm of competitive exams, adopting effective study techniques can be a game-changer. One such strategy gaining traction is the 1-3-5-7 revision method, a favorite not only among academic achievers but also CEOs for its unparalleled task management capabilities.


At the core of the 1-3-5-7 technique is the '1'—your top priority. This singular, non-negotiable task takes precedence, ensuring your focus is laser-sharp on the most crucial objective.


Following closely are the '3'—three medium-priority tasks. Tackling these contributes significantly to overall productivity, providing a balanced approach to studying and task completion.


Next in line are the '5'—five less time-consuming and small tasks. Swiftly handling these not only adds to your accomplishments but also maintains a steady rhythm of productivity throughout your study session.



Proven beyond the confines of academia, the 1-3-5-7 revision strategy is not just about task management; it's a cognitive enhancer. Regular implementation of this method has shown to amplify memory retention and provide a significant boost to overall brain function.


Another popular Japanese word is Kaizen. Kaizen simply means ‘continuous improvement’ and encourages people to make small, incremental changes to their habits, routines, and thought patterns..

Hara Hachi Bu
The perfect means to cure overeating and laziness is Hara Hachi Bu. It says that a person should practise mindful eating and stop when they are 80% full. By tuning into our body's signals of satisfaction, we can prevent overeating.

Shoshin means starting something with a beginner’s mind, leaving aside any previous knowledge about the topic. Shoshin helps people be more open in life with respect to lessons and decisions and develops a willingness to learn.

To practise ‘Gaman’ is to be patient in situations that look hard and unsolvable. By accepting challenges with a calm mind, people can focus on finding solutions instead of overthinking the worst results.

Ganbaru encourages people to be more patient and calm when it comes to expecting results of something they did. It advises people to stay true to their goals and not worry about the outcomes too soon.

110) Acknowledge, understand, and forgive

Once you have learned more about hidden aspects of your personality that may be negatively impacting your life, it is time to acknowledge and forgive yourself for them.

Make sure you give yourself the time and space to move on, and remind yourself that healing does not happen overnight, so be gentle with yourself.

111) Be Mindful of Your Emotional Investment in People

When dealing with self-centered individuals who only seek your assistance for petty issues, while conveniently ignoring your needs, it's important to be mindful of how much emotional investment you choose to give. Your emotions are valuable and wasting them on people who don't reciprocate can be exhausting. Be intentional with your energy and decide how much you're willing to emotionally invest. You have the option to either sever ties with them altogether or reserve your help for situations that truly matter. Either way, prioritize your well-being.

112) Shift Your Focus to Things You Can Control

Life can throw curveballs our way, leaving us feeling powerless and out of control. It's natural to want a desirable outcome, but fixating on it can consume our thoughts and energy. The key is to redirect your attention to the things you can manage. Invest your emotions and efforts into the aspects of the situation that you can control, allowing you to better prepare and find a sense of stability.

113) Empower Yourself with Unshakeable Self-Worth

Your core must possess a sturdy foundation of self-belief, resilient against external factors that attempt to undermine it. Relying too heavily on the outcome of any given situation may result in anxiety if it falls short of your expectations. Therefore, building a solid sense of self-esteem is key to avoiding this.  

Convince yourself, without doubt, of your worth. Encourage and surround yourself with those who unconditionally support you, commemorate even the smallest accomplishments, and remember to extend kindness to yourself. Even if you make an error, be forgiving. 

114) Take Control of Your Emotions

One of the best tips on how to not care so much is to monitor your emotional responses and determine when you're becoming too invested. You may be placing too much significance on a certain issue if you find yourself fixating on it, thinking about it excessively, or becoming unnecessarily worked up.  

Once you recognize this, take a moment to reflect on the emotional state you desire. Then, engage in activities that help you attain that state. If you desire to feel joyful, do things that bring you joy. This will redirect your attention and allow you to concentrate on more vital matters.

115) Acknowledge Your Accomplishments

When we doubt our own abilities, we are caught in a never-ending loop of worry and anxiety. The future looms before us as an endless stretch of unknowns and we struggle to shake the fear that we may not be up to the task. But it's time to stop this negative self-talk and acknowledge all that you have accomplished. Remember those hurdles you have conquered and challenges you have surpassed. Let these successes flood your mind with positivity and tranquility. By doing so, you can diminish your fears and quiet your restless mind.

116) Learn the Art of Letting Go

Your general well-being may suffer if you allow your emotions to overwhelm you. By always being on the edge, you might end up overlooking life's simple joys and wonders. When something isn't worth your time and effort, it's acceptable to draw the line and take a step back. Don't let yourself become overly preoccupied with everything that comes your way. Instead, reserve your energy for things that really matter and learn the art of detachment. 

Writing down your thoughts can be therapeutic and help release tension. Embrace happy moments and shift your attention to positive experiences to steer clear of anxiety. Indulge in some self-care activities every day, like taking up a new hobby or skill. This will not only enrich your mind, but it will also make your thoughts clearer and less stressful.

117) Look After Yourself

Shift your focus onto self-care rather than overwhelming yourself with worries. Give yourself permission to pamper yourself and participate in activities that make you happy. Keep in mind that attending to your needs is as crucial as assisting others.

If you find yourself too drained to engage in deep conversation with a friend in need, suggest doing something that's calming for you both like having a spa day or working out together. In this manner, you can look after your own needs while still being there for your friend.

118) Be Helpful to Those Who Will Help Themselves

While some individuals choose to complain endlessly about their circumstances, it is important to acknowledge that true change requires active effort. It can be a good idea to put more effort into your own personal development if you find yourself in the situation of giving advice to loved ones who continually disregard your recommendations.  

By placing excessive emotional investment into those who refuse to take control of their own lives, you risk sacrificing your own well-being. Rather than getting too deeply involved with these individuals, be available for support but keep a healthy distance. Wait until they are ready to seize their opportunities before extending your aid.

119) Allow Yourself the Freedom to Not Care Too Much

Excessive concern for things that may not matter in the long run can hold you back from truly living. Letting go of the burden of worry can open up doors for new experiences and joys. By taking a step back and refocusing your attention on activities that give your life meaning and fulfillment, you can learn how to stop caring so much about someone or something. It's crucial to acknowledge and take care of your emotions, but you shouldn't allow them to rule your life. You can discover happiness and peace in the present by striking a balance between caring and not caring.

120) Let Go of the Pressure to Please Everyone

People pleasers are often overwhelmed by the desire to ensure others are content, even at their own expense. But that burden is not one that you must carry. It's time to end that pattern if you wish to relieve yourself of the stress that comes with caring too much. Stop catering to others simply to fulfill their desires, and begin to find peace within your own identity. Be confident in yourself and let your authentic self shine.

121) Analyze Your Thoughts

It's simple to assume the worst and draw hasty judgments, which can send our minds into a tailspin. It's like we get caught up in a whirlwind of negativity without ever questioning if what we're thinking is even accurate. But, the truth is, what we imagine may not reflect reality. We could be over-analyzing situations or exaggerating things. 

Therefore, it's crucial to pause, think, and question your own thoughts. Evaluate the facts and eliminate unnecessary worrying. This way, you can organize your thinking and refrain from making any hasty decisions. 

122) Bear in Mind That Most People Don’t Think of You

For those who tend to overly worry, one common issue is being consumed with what others may think about them. This frequently starts a cycle of self-doubt when they begin to question if others are watching their every move and word. This is a paralyzing worry that could seriously harm your self-esteem.

The majority of people aren't really focused on you, in reality. They're preoccupied with taking care of their own issues and concerns and aren't paying much attention to what you're doing. So, it’s time to learn how to stop caring about people. Let go of your need for approval from others and embrace your freedom. 

123) Find an Escape

It's normal to feel like things are getting out of hand when you invest too much. A current of apprehension and frenzied restlessness could course through you constantly. It might result in occasional out-of-character emotional outbursts. Learning to master your sentiments and channeling them in a productive way is crucial. This practice will take your thoughts off fretting and caring excessively.

Once you find yourself obsessing too much, immediately occupy yourself with something that requires your complete focus. Taking charge of your feelings can begin by practicing meditation, focusing on your breath for a few moments. Besides this, regular exercise can be an excellent way to channel your energy positively.

124) Embrace the Present Moment

The weight of caring too much can often stem from anxieties about what is yet to come. Allowing yourself to completely appreciate the present moment is one of the most crucial tips on how to stop caring. Free yourself from worry and learn to live each day as it unfolds before you. The unknown future might easily make you feel overwhelmed, but worrying about it won't make things any better and will only negatively impact your mental health. Live in the present moment and feel the freedom it brings.

125) In any relationship, learning how to stop caring excessively about someone is crucial. Over-investing in someone else can result in a permanent state of worry, anxiety, and a loss of your own sense of happiness. Establishing personal boundaries, focusing on what is under your control, assessing your emotional investment in each person, managing your emotions, and building a strong sense of self-esteem are all necessary to combat this and prevent the development of unhealthy attachments to others. Additionally, make self-care a priority and continuously remind yourself of your successes to improve your mental well-being.

126) An exercise to practice every day

It is recommended to practice a small exercise of gratitude every day, for example by thinking about positive things or writing them down every morning or evening.

127) Acknowledge your thoughts

It can be hard to recognise the pattern or the type of thought you could be having as it can be an automatic process. We as psychologists recommend observing your thoughts and accepting them as they are first. When you find yourself replaying past mistakes or stressing about things that may be out of your control, observe and accept how you feel. Then, try to identify the triggers. A way to keep track of your thoughts could be to quickly jot pointers or keywords down on your favourite notes app or a notebook.

128) Create an emergency toolkit
In situations when your mind starts wandering into unwanted territories reach into this mental toolkit to forcefully derail the overthinking train.

Say a random number mentally or verbally to focus on what number to say next instead of the thought.
Make a list of activities and choose to do one of them at that moment to step away from those thoughts. It could be something like going for a walk or a workout class, painting, petting a dog or cat, or simply listening to music or podcasts.
Do something nice for someone else as it releases happy hormones in us as well.
Deep belly breathing: Inhaling and exhaling all the way to the stomach with one hand on the heart and the other on the stomach. This helps ground one to the present.

129) Limit information consumption
Data from the Pew Research Center indicates that constant exposure to news and information, especially through social media, can contribute to heightened stress levels among adults. Setting boundaries on information intake can be pivotal in preventing the information overload that often leads to overthinking.

130) Take actions
We often get stuck in an overthinking loop and are unable to take any action toward the task or thought. A good way to get out of the loop is to take an action based on it even if it’s the smallest one. Developing clear decision-making guidelines, including defined criteria and time limits, aids in preventing the chronic overthinking associated with choices. It helps channel your energy in the right way.

131) Think about your strengths
Don't overlook the positive, and focus on your strengths. If you find yourself having negative thoughts about your actions or personality, think about something you like about yourself or something good you did.

If negative thoughts refuse to leave you and affect your daily life, consider reaching out to a mental health professional.

132) Speech fasting

133) Movement is life
The world's longest-lived individuals don't engage in strenuous exercise but live in environments that naturally encourage movement. They incorporate activities like gardening and avoid mechanical conveniences for household chores.
Dr Keerthi Karanam, psychiatry consultant, CARE Hospitals, Hyderabad, advised engaging in activities that involve natural movements, such as walking, gardening, or dancing, as they contribute to cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and muscle strength.

134) Mellow down

Despite experiencing stress, blue zone residents have routines to alleviate it. Practices include taking moments to remember ancestors, praying, napping, or enjoying a happy hour.
तनाव का अनुभव करने के बावजूद, ब्लू ज़ोन निवासियों के पास इसे कम करने के लिए दिनचर्या है। प्रथाओं में पूर्वजों को याद करने, प्रार्थना करने, झपकी लेने या खुश घंटे का आनंद लेने के लिए क्षण लेना शामिल है।

135) Prioritise your loved ones

Blue zone centenarians keep ageing family members nearby, which studies show can lower disease and mortality rates for their children, according to Buettner.

136) Engage in positive reframing: Train your brain to see challenges as opportunities for growth. Shift your perspective by acknowledging negative emotions and seeking to reinterpret your experiences. Recognise your strengths, remember past successes, and express gratitude for the good things in your life to help bring about a positive mindset.

137) Yogic Practices for Positive Neuropathways

Yoga-based meditative practices are non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical interventions that can be integrated with modern medicine. Specific meditation modalities that are based on the principles of the Indian Knowledge Systems support holistic well-being and mental resilience. This intersection of ancient wisdom and modern neuroscience presents an avenue for a higher quality of life.

One of the most powerful ways of building positive neuropathways is by introducing yoga-based meditation into regular life. Evidence-based meditative practices, when performed under the guidance of a guru or meditation expert, can have multiple benefits. Meditation helps penetrate a heightened state of complete awareness, enabling deep relaxation and stress reduction, building neuroplasticity, and helping with self-acceptance and emotional regulation.

You can build supportive belief systems through the goal manifestation technique of journaling—through visualisation. Mentally picture your ideal life in real-time, and write that down in your journal or the Golden Book on a daily basis. It’s like you’re writing the movie script of your life; you need to visualise details and be descriptive, involving senses and emotions. While writing, try to inculcate the belief that it’s already a reality. Along with this, you can also journal your short-, mid and long-term goals. Do this daily before you go to sleep and read it in the morning.

Rebuilding your life is possible. But it’s in your hands. Through the disciplined application of yogic practices, you can embark on a transformative journey towards resilience.

138) Create an emergency toolkit

In situations when your mind starts wandering into unwanted territories reach into this mental toolkit to forcefully derail the overthinking train.

Say a random number mentally or verbally to focus on what number to say next instead of the thought.

Make a list of activities and choose to do one of them at that moment to step away from those thoughts. 

It could be something like going for a walk or a workout class, painting, petting a dog or cat, or simply listening to music or podcasts.

Do something nice for someone else as it releases happy hormones in us as well.

Deep belly breathing: Inhaling and exhaling all the way to the stomach with one hand on the heart and the other on the stomach. This helps ground one to the present.

139) Step one: Identify that it is intrusive

Aptly identifying and naming an intrusive thought is one of the best ways to take away its power. Remind yourself that the thought isn't you, or how you think, or what you believe, or what you want to do.

Step two: Don't try to force it out

When you identify an intrusive thought, you might worry and want to get rid of it. But try to refrain from fighting it, because you'll actually only make it stronger that way, like throwing a boomerang.

Step three: Don't judge yourself

It's a strange concept to hear a thought in your own mind and still separate it from yourself, but acknowledging that disturbing thoughts aren't a reflection of who you are is vital in taking away their power. There's nothing wrong with you!

Step four: Treat them as if they're boring

Leave the unwanted thoughts alone instead of interrogating them. Treat them as if they are not even interesting, and they will eventually fade into the background. Thoughts only have as much power as you give them.

Step five: Go through the motions

Continue whatever you were doing prior to the intrusive thought even if the thought is giving you anxiety. Allow it to be present as you move on with your body.

Step six: Expect for them to return

You can't 'solve' intrusive thoughts, and if you trick yourself into thinking they won't return, you'll only give them more power when they do. Focus on reducing your sensitivity to them.

140) महावीर स्वामी ने सिखाया है "Art of Loving and Art of Leaving"

141) Exercises: 
Faces: 1) Fish pose, 2) Balloon

142)  कर्म करो संकल्प (न जीतने/ न हारने/ न किसी को मारने आदि) मत करो. यानि संकल्प कर के कर्म मत करो. (सुधा सागर महाराज जी)

143) Five P:  Be Positive, Be present, Be prompt, Be passionate, Be in Process. 

144) पीठ सीधी कंधे उभरे छाती चौड़ी

145) संकल्प में जीना है, विकल्प में नहीं. जब भी कोई विकल्प (सोशल anxiety- कोई क्या सोचेगा,) तो फ़ौरन संकल्प ले लो.

146)  By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. -Confucius